VIII. Introduction to Multimedia
Short Answer
1. What is Multimedia?
Multimedia is a technique that incorporates text, graphics, sound animations and video elements.
2. Mention some fields which use multimedia application.
Some fields where multimedia is commonly used include Entertainments ,Education. Research and Business communications.
3. What is MMS?
MMS stand for Multimedia Messaging System.
It is an application that allows one to send and receive messages over cell phones.
These are popularly being used to send and receive jokes, music, ringtones, pictures and sometime even videos.
4. What is E-Learning? Or What is CBT/WBT?
- The growing popularity of multimedia is used to train and educate people world over They are called e-learning packages.
- The most common version of such packages is Compute Based and Web Based Tutorials (CBT/WBT).
- It is self-paced learning process.
5. What is the use of self-paced learning?
- The use of self-paced learning is that the learner can learn by himself,
- There is no instructor and the learner does not have to travel to a location to attend the classes.
- This eliminates the logistical problems of getting together people from different parts of the world.
6. What is Virtual reality?
- An environment which is experienced by users as similar to reality.
- The various multi components are coordinated with a technique called Virtual Reality. Eg., Flight simulators
7. Mention some of the image formats used in multimedia.
Some of the image formats used in multimedia are GIF files, JPG files, Animated GIF files , MPEG files, Shockwave files and Nx View files.
8. What are the most common file formats used in Multimedia?
The two most common multimedia elements are GIF and JPG files
Both formats compress static as opposed to animated bitmap images.
9. Write a note on GIF.
- GIF (Graphic Interchange Formats )is limited to an 8-bit palette.
- GIF supports simple graphic images with relatively few colors.
- It is not well fitted for photographic works.
- A GIF file creates a perfect reproduction of the original
GIF images support for animation.
10. Write a note on JPEG
The JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) image files are a lossy format.
It is well fitted for photographic works.
JPEG does not creates perfect reproduction of the original
The JPEG format supports full color
JPEG images does not support for Animation
11. Differentiate JPG and GIF.
18. Mention the categories or JPEG formals
Inane two categories of image file compression are lossy and lossless
12. What is Vector Graphics?
Vector graphics help in rendering the image effectively on the screen.
Many vendor provide special hardware called vector graphics cards to improve the efficiency in the display of images.
13. What is wave pattern of the sound? Mention the attributes.
The sound that we hear are analog wave patterns.
Two attributes control the characteristics of sound. They are amplitude and frequency.
14. What is pitch?
The distance between the crests of the wave is called as the pitch and also called frequency.
The greater the distance, the lower is the sound.
15. What is sampling?
Conversion of analog sound waves to a digital format is called Sampling
16. What is Sound Forge?
We can add special effects, such as echo, fade in, and fade out effects, by using sound editing programs such as Sound Forge.
17. What is Animation?
Animation is primarily used to illustrate or demonstrate an idea or a concept.
Animations are based on drawings.
18. How are 2-D animations classified
2-D animations are classified into two categories: They are (i) Cel-based animation and (ii) Object-based animations.
19. What is a Cel-based animation?
Cel-based animation consists of multiple drawings, each one a little different from the others.
When displayed in rapid sequence, these drawings appear to move.
20. What are Object-based animations?
Object based animations also referred to as slide or path animations, are created by moving an object across a screen.
This type of animations are usually seen in a computer
21. How will we create 3-D animations?
Creating a 3-D animation is a 3-step process.
1. Modeling, 2. Animating and 3. Rendering.
22. Write a note on how to create a 3-D animation.
To create a 3-D animation,
Modeling :First create the broad shapes and structures of the 3-D objects to be included in the animation
Animating: the created models must be animated to define their motion.
Rendering: by giving them the attributes, such as colors and textures to the objects.
23. Mention the special effect technology in 3-D animation.
The special effect technology in 3-D animation are Morphing and Warping.
24. What is Morphing?
A technique by which we can blend two or more images to form a new image is called as morphing.
25. What is Warping?
The technique of distorting a single image to represent something else is known as Morphing
26. What are the uses of Morning and Warping?
Most modern multimedia applications, particularly games, combine these techniques with virtual reality to create an environment in which gives the viewer the feeling that he is part of that environment.
27. What is Compression? Types?
Compression is a technique by which a recurring set of information is identified and replaced by a single piece of information.
There are two types of video compressions. They are
(i) Lossless compression - Retains the exact image throughout the compression.
(ii) Lossy Compression - Provides a comparatively higher ratio of compression but results in some loss of quality.
28. Define MIDI or Write a short note on MIDI
- MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface
- MIDI format cannot contain sound.
- It contains only digital notes.
- It is a very flexible format used wide range of musical applications.
- These files are relatively light.
- The MIDI format have the extension .mid or .midi.
29. What is Real Audio Format?
- The Real Audio format was developed by Real Networks in 1995
- It supports both sound and videos.
- This format is more popular for transfer of data over the internet
- The Real Audio format have the extension .rm or .ram
30. What is AU format?
- The AU format is a sound format
- It is supported by most of the popular softwares across different platforms.
- AU format have the extension .au
31. What is AIFF format?
- AIFF stands for Audio Interchange File Format
- It was developed by Apple.
- This is not a very popular format as it is neither cross-platform nor supported by all web browsers
- AIFF format have the extension .aif or .aiff
32. What is SND format?
- The Sound or SND format was developed by Apple.
- SND files neither cross-platform nor supported by popular web browsers.
- SND format have the extension .snd.
33. Define WAVE format.
- The WAVE format was developed by IBM and Microsoft.
- It is one of the more popular formats
- It is supported by all computers running the Windows operating system and also by all popular web browsers.
- WAVE format have the extension .wav.
34. What is MP3 / MPEG format? What is the main reason for the popularity of MP3 formats?
- The MPEG format was developed by Moving Pictures Experts Group.
- MPEG format developed for video files
- MP3 format is used to store sound (music).
- They offer good compression and high quality.
- They are also cross-platform and supported by most popular web browsers.
- This format, has become famous in the Internet in recent times.
- Sound file extension could be .mp3.
- Video files extension are .mpg or .mpeg.
35. What is AVI format?
- The AVI format stands for Audio Video Interleave
- It was developed by Microsoft in 1992.
- It is supported by all Widows operating systems and by most of the popular web browsers.
- It is a very common format on the Internet.
- AVI format have the extension .avi
36 What is Windows Media format?
The Windows Media format was developed by Microsoft.,
It is very popular format on the Internet and on computers with the Widows operating system.
It should be noted that this format requires the installation of an additional component in non-windows computers.
Widows Media format have the extension .wmv
37. What is Quick Tune Format?
The Quick Time Format was developed by Apple primarily to store videos.
It is a popular format on the Internet but requires the installation of an additional component in non-windows computers.
The Quick Time format have the extension .mm.
38. What is Shockwave format?
- The Shockwave format was developed by Macromedia
- It is used to store multimedia components created using flash.
- This format requires an extra component to play.
- Shockwave format have the extension .swf.
39.What is the requirement to run multimedia in our computer?
- Some additional hardware and high resolution monitors would greatly enhance the effectiveness of using multimedia.
- Also special software such as Windows Media Player would help in viewing multimedia presentations.
40. Mention some commercial multimedia content development software.
Some commercial multimedia content development software are Flash, Dreamweaver and Maya
41.What is inline sound and video?
42.What is helper application ? or Plug-in application or List out the advantage of using helper.
43.Differentiate between Inline and Helper
Inline | Helper |
When sound or video is included as part of a web page, then it is called inline sound or video | A helper application, also called plug-in is a program that can be launched by the browser to help to play sound or video |
<bgsound> and <img> tags are used | <embed>, <Applet>, or the <object> tags are used |
it plays automatically whenever the web page loads without any control | It allows the viewer control some or all of the player settings. |