I. An Introduction to Staroffice Writer
Paragraph Answers
1.How will you enter the text in staroffice writer?
Entering Text in the Document
· Once a new document is opened, the text of the document can be typed in blank area of the screen.
· To create a document the user can start typing straight away. As the characters are typed they appear on the screen.
Insertion point
· The flashing vertical bar called the insertion point, moves to the right.
· This insertion point always indicates where the new text will appear.
Word wrap
· When the text being typed reaches the end of the line, StarOffice Writer will automatically wrap the text to the next line.
Enter Key
· The Enter key must not be pressed at the end of the each line.
· The Enter key should be pressed only at the end of a paragraph or when a blank line is to be inserted.
· When a page is filled up, StarOffice Writer automatically creates a new page.
2. What are the steps involved in saving a file for the first time?
To save a document for a first time following steps are used:
· File Save command is selected or icon is clicked or
· press Ctrl+S.
· A Save As dialog box appears on the screen.
· To select a drive, up one level icon is clicked,
· Then a list of drives will be displayed.
· On the list of drives, a double click is made on the required drive.
· Now a list of folders available on that drive is displayed.
· A double click is made on the required folder and the file name is given in the File name list box.
· Choose the required document type from the Save as type list box and click on the Save button to save the document in that type.
· The document is now saved and a file name appears in the title bar.
3.How will you work with multiple documents?
Working with Multiple Documents
While working with StarOffice Writer,
· It is possible to have several documents open at the same time.
· This can be done by opening the documents one after the other.
Once the documents are open, you can switch between them in the following two ways.
· Click on the Window menu and select the file from the list of documents displayed.
· Click on the document button visible on the taskbar.
· Press ALT + TAB
4.Explain about moving around the document in StarOffice Writer.
· To move the insertion point to anywhere in the document either the mouse or the keyboard can be used.
· The insertion point cannot be beyond the end-of-document marker line.
To move the insertion point with the mouse,
· The mouse pointer is moved to the required spot and the mouse button is clicked. The insertion point jumps to that spot.
To move the insertion point with the keyboard
The arrow keys and other key combination can be used.
Lists the common movement keys
To move | Press |
One character to the left | LEFT ARROW |
One character to the right | RIGHT ARROW |
One word to the left | CTRL+LEFT RROW |
One word to the right | CTRL+RIGHT ARROW |
One cell to the left (in a table) | SHIFT+TAB |
One cell to the right (in a table) | TAB |
Up one line | UP ARROW |
Down one line | DOWN ARROW |
To the end of a line | END |
To the beginning of a line | HOME |
Up one screen (scrolling) | PAGE UP |
Down one screen (scrolling) | PAGE DOWN |
To the end of a document | CTRL+END |
To the beginning of a document | CTRL+HOME |
5.What are the scrolling procedures?
The scrolling procedure is as follows:
· To scroll left and right the left and right arrow respectively should be clicked.
· To scroll up and down the up and down arrow respectively should be clicked.
· To scroll a relative distance in the document the scroll box should be drawn up or down.
· If there are several pages in the document the user can know the current page number by looking at the pop-up page number that appears next to the scroll bar.
· Scrolling a document does not move the insertion point.
· The mouse click should be used to get the l-beam at the required place.
6. How would you switch over Insert mode to type-over mode?
There are two mode to insert the text. They are,
Insert Mode
The new text will be inserted and the existing text would move to the right.
Type over Mode
· The user is in the type-over mode, if the text existing to the right of insertion point disappears, while typing a new text.
· The user can toggle between type-over mode and the insert mode by using the Insert key.
· The status bar gives the information about the current mode (Insert or Type-over-mode).
· As the corrections are being carried out periodically the user should save the document using the File Save command
7. Explain how we can select the text in StarOffice Writer
Selecting Text
· Once the text is selected, change can be made to that text.
· The text can be moved, copied and format.
· For selecting text the mouse or the keyboard can be used.
Selecting Text with Mouse
Following steps are to be followed:
· Insertion point is moved to the start of the text to be selected.
· The left mouse button should be clicked, held down and dragged across the text to be selected.
· When the intended text is selected, the mouse button should be released.
· To unselect the wrongly selected text a click should be made outside the selected text.
Selecting Text with Keyboard
Following are the steps to be followed:
· Insertion point is moved to the start of the text to be selected.
· The Shift key is pressed down and the movement keys are used to highlight the required text.
· When the Shift key is released, the text is selected.
Selection Shortcuts
The following shortcuts can also be used for selection.
Action to be performed | To select what |
Double click on a word | To select a word |
Click once next to the line | To select the particular line |
Press Ctrl + A | To select entire document |
8.Explain how can we move the text in staroffice writer.
Moving the Text
The selected text can be easily cut and pasted in the required location.
Following steps are to be followed.
The text to be moved to a new location is selected.
From Menu
Edit Cut is selected or in the tool bar is selected to cut the selected text.
Insertion point is moved to the place where the text is to be pasted.
Edit Paste is selected or in the tool bar Paste icon is selected to paste the text in the new location.
keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl + X to Cut
Ctrl + V to Paste
9. Explain how can we copy the text in staroffice writer.
Copying the Text
The text to be copied is selected.
From Menu
Edit Copy is selected or copy icon is clicked.
The insertion point is selected where the copy of the text should appear
Edit -> Paste is selected or paste icon is clicked.
keyboard shortcuts
keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl + C to Copy
Ctrl + V to Paste
Ctrl + V
10.What are the steps to be followed for searching a given word? Or How to find and replace the text?
To Find and Replace Text
Choose Edit Find & Replace. The Find & Replace dialog box appears
· In the Replace with box, enter the replacement word or phrase.
· Click Find to start the search.
When Writer finds the first instance of the word or phrase,
do one of the following:
· To replace the found instance of the text, click Replace.
· To replace all instances of the text, click Replace All.
· To skip the found text and to continue the search, click Find again.
Click Close when you have finished the search.
11.How to edit the text?
Correcting Mistakes
· If a mistake is identified it can be corrected either using the Backspace key or the Delete key.
· Backspace key deletes the characters to the left of the insertion point.
· Delete key deletes the characters to the right of the insertion point.
To insert the text,
· There are two mode to insert the text. They are,
Insert Mode
The new text will be inserted and the existing text would move to the right.
Type over Mode
· In the type-over mode, the new text will be inserted and the text existing to the right of insertion point disappears
· The user can toggle between type-over mode and the insert mode by using the Insert key.
· The status bar gives the information about the current mode (Insert or Type-over-mode).
As the corrections are being carried out periodically the user should save the document using the File ->Save command
Short Answer
1. What is StarOffice?
· StarOffice is an application that is designed to work on different operating systems;
· It is an office productivity suite.
· It can also open, edit and save Microsoft office documents.
2. What are the functions of StarOffice?
StarOffice functions are:
(a) StarOffice Writer - to create text document
(b) StarOffice Calc, - to create spreadsheets
(c) StarOffice Impress - to create presentations
(d) StarOffice Draw - to draw
(e) StarOffice Base. - to create database
3.Why Staroffice referred as Integrated environment application?
Staroffice consists of several applications.
These applications are grouped together into an integrated environment.
4. How will we start StarOffice?
To start StarOffice,
· On the taskbar, click the Start button.
· Choose All Programs -> StarOffice 8 folder.
· Click the StarOffice program that we want to start.
5. What is Word Processing?
· The term word processing refers to the activity carried out using a computer and suitable software
To create, view, edit, manipulate, transmit, store, retrieve and print documents.
Ex. MS Word, Lotus AmiPro, Word Perfect, Word Star· Word Pro.
6. What is a document?
· A document may contain text, tables, graphs, charts, equations, pictures and drawings.
7. Mention some of the other commercially available Word processing packages.
Some of the other commercially available word processing packages are , MS Word, Lotus AmiPro, Word Perfect, Word Star· Word Pro.
8. How will we create a new document?
The StarOffice Writer is opened by
click Start - > All Program -> StarOffice 8
In StarOffice Writer:
To open a new document
Click on File->New->Text Document. (or)
Click on New icon (or)
Press Ctrl + N
9.What is Insertion Point?
· The flashing vertical bar on the screen is called the insertion point.
· It always indicates where the new text will appear.
· When the text being typed, the Insertion point moves to the right.
10. What is Word Wrap?
· When the text being typed reaches the end of the line,
· StarOffice Writer will automatically start the text to the next line.
· This is called word wrap.
11.What is meant by text editing?
· Entering a new text or modifying the existing text in a document is known as text editing.
12.How would you select the required portion of the text in a document.
· The required portion of the text in a document can be selected using the keyboard, shortcuts or using the mouse.
13. When should the Enter key be pressed?
· The Enter key should be pressed only at the end of a paragraph or When a blank line is to be inserted.
When a page is filled up, StarOffice Writer automatically creates a new page.
14. When and why should we name a file?
· The first time the document is saved, StarOffice Writer prompts for a name.
· Naming the file enables the user to find and open that file again.
· One can select the drive and folder where the file will be stored.
15. What are the ways available to save a file?
The file is saved in the following ways:
Select File -> Save .
click on Save icon.
press Ctrl + S.
16. How can we open a file?
To open a file:
click on File ->Open (or)
click on open icon (or)
press Ctrl + O.
Now Open dialog box appears,
The name of the file to be opened can be chosen from the list which is displayed.
Click on Open button.
17. How can we switch between multiple documents?
We can switch between multiple documents.
· click on Windows menu and select the file
· Click on the document button visible on the taskbar.
· Press Alt + Tab.
· Scrolling a document does not move the insertion point.
· The mouse click should be used to get the I-beam at the required place.
19.What is document marker?
The thick horizontal line in the page area is called the end of document marker
The insertion point cannot be beyond this line.
20 How can we correct mistakes in a document? (Or)What is the difference between Backspace key and Delete key?
· A mistake can be corrected either using the Backspace key or Delete key.
· Backspace key deletes the characters to the left of the insertion point
· Delete key deletes the characters to the right of the insertion point.
21. What is the use of Insert key? (or )
Differentiate Insert mode and Type-over mode.(or) what are the modes in S.O?
Inserting Text
To insert the text,
· There are two mode to insert the text. They are,
Insert Mode
· The new text will be inserted and the existing text would move to the right.
Type over Mode
· In the type-over mode, the new text will be inserted and the text existing to the right of insertion point disappears
· The user can toggle between type-over mode and the insert mode by using the Insert key.
· The status bar gives the information about the current mode (Insert or Type-over-mode).
Additional Questions:
How to move the insertion point by using mouse?
How to show the mouse pointer and insertion point are different?
Where can we see the status of Insert key?
How can we select Text with mouse?
How can we unselect the text?
How can we select the text with keyboard?
Tabulate the selection shortcuts.
Give keyboard shortcut to move the text.
Give keyboard shortcut to copy the texts.
What is the other way to enter the search text in the search text box? (or)
How to find & replace the text in the document?
What are the common editing functions?
What are the types of scroll arrows?
How will you switch over from Insert mode to type over mode?
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